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18–19 MARCH 2026


NIR sorting unit with Hyper Spectral Imaging camera technology
State of the art – camera-based NIR technology for even better sorting results
It has been more than 20 years since the first near-infrared (NIR) detection systems, originally developed for the food industry, found their way into recycling. A lot has happened since then, both in terms of the sensors available and the analysis algorithms used:
Mobile phones recognise their rightful user with the built-in camera and cars drive themselves along the motorway. These are just two examples of the rapid development of sensor-based applications.

With so many developers working on these topics worldwide, it was only a matter of time before camera-based systems also became standard in NIR sorting units.

The fifth evolutionary stage of the proven UniSort PR builds on this foundation, refines it and paves the way for the next era of waste sorting technology.
With the UniSort PR EVO 5.0, STEINERT is building on years of experience from the use of several UniSort generations and mass data processing. This forms the basis for further advances in sorting performance, but also for the optimisation of processes in the value chain. This enables its users to adapt flexibly to changing material flows and to recognise new potential, but above all to make use of it.

The five most important new features of the UniSort PR EVO 5.0 at a glance:
– Revised lamp boxes
– Improved valve bar
– Dynamic calibration
– Automatic white balance
– Object recognition

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