The SMART is an approved Electronic Weighing Indicator valid for all types of commercial transactions. Finished in ABS or Stainless Steel housing with IP65 and ATEX options. Includes adjustable mounting bracket made of Stainless Steel. It’s available in different versions to suit the needs of each application.
– OIML R76 & EN 45501 approved, single or Multirange, 6000 div at 0,6 μV/div.
– Display 7 digit 20mm LED high bright.
– High resolution: 24 bits A/D, 16.000.000 internal divisions; 100.000 external divisions.
– Friendly configuration and calibration menu.
– Calibration by Masses or in mV/V, allowing the start-up without calibration masses entering the load cell capacity and sensitivity in mV/V.
– Calibration sealing by software or mechanically.
– Power up to 4 load cells (350 Ω) or up to 8 load cells (700 Ω).
RS-232 serial port for PC, printer or remote display connection.
– Mounting: bench/wall mounting kit.
– External Power supply 230 V AC 50/60 Hz.
– High electromangnetic interference protection using filters, ferrites and shields.
– Multi-range: for a dual range and dual division size.
– Standard Ticket or customized from PC.
– Linearity correction.