Welcome to the trade fair duo

09 – 10 OCTOBER 2024

amixon GmbH

Share product:



Mixer’s field of application:

* small production orders
* preparation of master batches
* “just-in-time” mixing jobs
* product development

Further characteristics:

* Technically ideal mixing quality; adjustable mixing intensity (from gentle homogenization to intensive deagglomeration)
* Micro-fine admixture of liquid material; the mixer remains dry and clean
* Selection of filling level from 10% to 100% of working capacity
* Ideal discharging of residues; easy cleaning/ sterilization (GMP Standard)
* Integration into your ERP System, mixing programs supplied by PLC
* A bar code scanner can be integrated for online-documentation
* You need a limited infrastructure only: manual fork lift, scale and some standard drums

A patented spiral mixing tool rearranges the mixing goods. There is an upward movement in the periphery and a downward movement caused by gravity in the centre of the mixing vessel. You can improve the cross flow by inclining the mixing vessel up to 25 degrees. This mixing machine achieves technically ideal mixing qualities. Mixing goods can be dry, wet, suspended or pasty. According to the required processing/ mixing result (either gentle or aggressive and dispersive) you can select the mode of operation: gentle blending, deagglomeration, wetting at low energy input, wetting at high energy input, agglomeration, drying, improving of solubility etc.

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