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09 – 10 OCTOBER 2024

Orglmeister Infrarot- Systeme GmbH & Co. KG

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Infrared early fire detection for small areas and conveyor Systems

PYROsmart® one is the system of choice for infrared temperature monitoring of objects that can be viewed at a fixed distance and within a fixed image section. Examples of such objects are small areas, systems and transfer points on conveyor belts. The unit uses a fixed-focus, high-resolution infrared camera for detection, with the angle of view optimally matched to the application by using different lenses.

PYROsmart® one is VdS certified and FM Approved!

Conventional fire detectors, e.g., smoke and heat detectors, only respond to the effects of a fire (smoke, heat). Sprinkler systems then extinguish large areas without pinpoint accuracy.

PYROsmart®, on the other hand, promptly detects thermal signatures and hotspots and can instigate precision cooling and/or extinguishing.

Because infrared radiation penetrates dust and smoke, the system also works reliably in such environments.

Belt monitoring

Temperature monitoring of free-falling material and belt transfer points provides significant benefits. At these points, material gets turned over and comes into contact with oxygen. Any hotspots here can therefore become particularly warm/hot. If they had previously been concealed by overlying material, they will also only be detected here.

PYROsmart® one protects against fires breaking out by quickly detecting any hot materials and hotspots entering the plant and thereby preventing fires from happening.

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