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09 – 10 OCTOBER 2024

ystral gmbh maschinenbau + processtechnik

Jetstream mixing – without air entrapment

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Set-up and Function
The function of the ystral Jetstream Mixer is based on the rotor/stator principle.
– A fast rotating rotor creates a liquid stream.
– A deflector pipe is placed around the rotor.
– It directs the liquid stream towards the bottom of the vessel
– It avoids that the mixture is set into rotation as with a standard mixing element
– The liquid stream that is created by the rotor and stator and directed to the bottom is separated at the bottom and creates a flow upwards along the wall of the vessel.
– On top of the surface, the liquid stream is then again redirected to the centre of the vessel.
– In this manner the total contents of the vessel is mixed vertically.
Mixing Principle
When talking about mixing we have to distinguish between Micro- and Macro-Mixing .
Micro-Mixing is considered as a mixing principle that mixes smallest particles in a small volume and creates a completely homogeneous medium.
Macro-Mixing is considered as a mixing of the complete volume in the vessel without any dead zones.
The ideal mixing would be a macro-mixing with an intensive micro-mixing as well. Therefore it is not useful to have an optimised mixing element that mixes the whole contents of the vessel but does not mix the micro-range at the same time – nor is it useful to have a mixer that creates a rotation of the mixture but does not efficiently mix the upper and lower parts of the mixture in the vessel.
Advantages of the ystral Jetstream Mixer
– Complete and homogeneous mixing of all areas in the vessel
– No rotation of the mixture.
Buffles, which are needed with conventional mixing elements to avoid this rotation are not required with an ystral Jetstream Mixer. The problem of cleaning buffles in the vessel is avoided.
– Absolutely no sedimentation on the bottom.
– Complete vertical mixing even for products that are difficult to mix – also for liquids or suspensions with different specific weight.
– No forming of a vortex. No air induction by the rotating vortex.
– The mixing shaft is placed inside of a stator tube, this also eliminates the induction of air.
– Careful mixing by a continuous mixing effect.
– Reduced mixing time caused by a continuous and uniform mixing effect when dissolving solids in a liquid
– Fine homogenising.
– Efficiency down to the smallest particle.
– No open rotor system
Higher degree of working safety compared to open propeller and shaft systems, no damage of the vessel
The ystral-Jetstream Mixer may be used in very large vessels as well. Because of the separated flow of the liquid stream, the whole contents of the vessel is mixed immediately. Although the mixing head is very small compared to the size of the tank, it mixes the whole liquid in the vessel. Especially in very high vessels the ystral Jetstream Mixer has a main advantage compared to a slow rotating conventional mixing element, as a complete interchange of the medium is achieved. This is impossible for conventional mixing elements with stirring elements in different levels as the rotating principle of each level hinders the exchange of liquid in-between the levels, and thus a complete homogeneous mixing of the liquid volume.
Using a ystral-Jetstream Mixer results in
– higher product quality
– reduced production time
– improved work safety
– processing advantages
Installation of the ystral Jetstream Mixer
The maximum efficiency is achieved when the ystral Jetstream Mixer is placed out off centre and directed vertically or inclined towards the bottom of the vessel. It may be used either for round or square forms of vessels – the mixing effect reaches any area in the vessel.
The ystral Jetstream Mixing Principle may be used for any form of the bottom of the vessel: round bottom, conical bottom, inclined bottom and even flat bottom.
Depending on size of vessel and space around the vessel three different types of installation are possible.
The standard set-up is from the top. The ystral Jetstream Mixer may be flanged directly onto the cover of the vessel or on a traverse on open vessels or vessel openings with low static load.
For the use in several vessels, the mixer may be attached to a moveable lift.
Alternatively the ystral Jetstream Mixers may be installed as side entry or bottom entry. These versions are used for very high vessels or very low filling levels in the vessel
Jetstream Mixers in Suspensions
When working with a conventional propeller stirrer, the percentage of suspended solids in the solvent is used as a criteria to distinguish a complete from an un-complete suspension.
This criteria defines a suspension as complete, when 90% of the solid contents is in suspension.
For a ystral Jetstream Mixer such a “90% suspension” is not satisfactory.
The ystral-Jetstream Principle realises a 100% complete suspension.
Particles do not even remain for a second at the bottom of the vessel. The particles are moved immediately from the bottom of the vessel by the liquid stream and homogeneously distributed in the liquid. Sedimentation is avoided completely. Particles are seized at once by the turbulence and distributed equally in the entire vessel.
When talking about a propeller stirrer, the statement “complete suspension” is misleading.
The ystral Jetstream Mixer is the ideal mixing tool for suspensions.

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