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09 – 10 OCTOBER 2024

T&B electronic GmbH

Infrared early fire detection systems with extinguishing system for industry

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The press has reported on the sad record number of fires in the recycling sector. The enormous damage has led insurers to tighten fire protection requirements in this sector too.

T&B’s new system for the early detection of potential fire risks based on an infrared camera fulfils today’s increased requirements for preventive fire protection in plants – as a reliable solution in accordance with the applicable standards and regulations.

Depending on your processes and the requirements of your insurance company, you can receive the camera with the required certification: either certified according the VdS or the EN 54-10.
It is therefore suitable for realising standard-compliant systems for fire prevention in installations. Depending on the operator’s requirements, it is possible to control an extinguishing system and connect to fire alarm systems or fire brigade control centres.

To effectively prevent fires, T&B electronic combines the infrared camera with its certified extinguishing systems for comprehensive protection. This is becoming increasingly important in this sector in particular: waste disposal companies only receive adequate insurance cover under strict conditions – due to the extreme increase in fire incidents in the last year alone.

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