“Wireless Ex” is a technology developed by the steute business unit Extreme which simplifies the assembly and operation of switchgear in explosive environments. Switching devices are no longer connected to the receivers in the control cabinet via Ex-compatible cables, but via a low-energy wireless protocol created especially for such applications. It is, of course, certified to ATEX and IECEx standards. Engineers constructing plants and machines for explosive environments can take Ex RF 96 electromechanical wireless position switches, for example, in their slim rectangular design to monitor the position of moving machine components or workpiece fixtures.
Alternatively, positions can also be monitored without any contact – using Ex RF IS wireless inductive sensors in a cylindrical design (M 12, M 18 and M 30). In this case, the Ex RF 96 ST Ex wireless universal transmitter takes care of both wireless transmission and decentralised power supply to the sensors. These wireless sensors guarantee high transmission availability even in tricky situations (e.g. coexistence with other wireless systems), as is often the case in an industrial environment.