Sodimate’s big bag discharger units are designed to store 35ft³ and 70ft³ capacity big bags, FIBC bags, bulk bags, or super sacs. The big bag can be placed on the frame using standard handling methods, such as a forklift or overhead crane, or the unit can integrate its own manual or electrical hoist.
Common dry chemicals stored in the big bag discharger include powdered activated carbon (PAC), hydrated lime, polymers, soda ash, clay and sand.
The big bag discharger is supported by telescopic, spring-loaded arms and loaded on a vibrating dish which vibrates only when the product sensor detects a lack of product in the hopper. This set-up ensures complete emptying of the bag and signals the operator when it is time to replace it.
Easy assembly and disassembly makes the discharger ideal for mobile applications, including tests and trials. Typical applications include sludge treatment, and slurry systems.