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18–19 MARCH 2026

Meldesteuer-Modul MSM-5 für Siloüberwachung
ts-systemfilter gmbh

Remote signal module MSM-5 for silo safety device

The remote signal module is installed in the control panel. It indicates the differential pressure in the filter apparatus, provides messages about filter operation and serves a silo safety device. Now it shines in a new design.



Since June 2024, the new remote signal module MSM-5 will be available.

Colourful LED displays show the status of the monitored silo components and additionally a segment display of the differential pressure in the filter apparatus.

The remote signal module (MSM-5) is installed in the control panel. It indicates the differential pressure in the filter apparatus, provides messages about the filter operation and can monitor the silo for overpressure and overfilling as a silo safety device. For this purpose, a level indicator in the silo and a pinch valve in the delivery line must be installed on site.

The MSM-5 is operated in conjunction with the SCD 10.12 filter control unit, which provides the power supply of 24 V DC. The filter control unit provides 5 different digital signals and a 4-20 mA signal corresponding to the differential pressure. There are 4 outputs, a digital pressure display and LEDs (green, yellow, red) for displaying the actual state.

Even with external filters, it can be integrated into an existing system at any time.

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