Welcome to the trade fair duo

09 – 10 OCTOBER 2024

Galvanisierte Kunststoffe
ImpulsTec GmbH

Electroplated Plastics

ImpulsTec develops a innovative recycling systems for galvanized plastics. The separation of the coating from the plastic with a purity of >99.8% enables the direct reuse of the plastic and a marketable metal fraction.



The shock wave process enables the selective separation of plastic composites into their individual components. The gentle recovery of individual materials with the help of ImpulsTec GmbH’s innovative fragmentation technology opens up new recycling approaches, moving away from pure material recycling towards functional recycling of high-quality plastics, such as metal-plated components from the electroplating industry. Using the example of galvanised plastic components, the innovative processing approach is presented with a focus on the recovery of a clean plastic fraction for direct reuse in the manufacture of new electroplated products.

• Processing of electroplating waste
• High purity of > 99.8 m% enables direct reuse of the plastic fraction in production
• Recovery of a marketable metal concentrate (metal recycling)
• Industrial processing line with pre-shredding, shock wave treatment, drying and sorting
• Freely scalable system concept through to customised complete systems

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