Welcome to the trade fair duo

09 – 10 OCTOBER 2024

Eirich launches Product Finder – a new website tool that provides an immersive overview of the company’s diverse world of products
Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH

Eirich launches Product Finder – a new website tool that provides an immersive overview of the company’s diverse world of products

The mixing expert from Hardheim in Germany is expanding its digital services for customers



Eirich offers an extensive product portfolio covering a wide range of applications across different fields of industry. Following on from the kind of product search services that have become the norm in the B2C sector, the company will now use the new tool to guide potential customers to help them find the perfect match. Since the start of the year, interested parties have been able to enter their requirements and needs in the tool and see which of Eirich’s many products would be the perfect mixer for their particular field of application.

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