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18–19 MARCH 2026

Drying of Amorphous Silica in Australia
Jöst GmbH + Co. KG

Drying of Amorphous Silica in Australia

OEST delivering drying plants and screening machines to Australia Agribusiness Greenvale Silicon, an Australian Agricultural Business has an Amorphous Silica (Diatomite) mineral deposit of approx. 1.8 Billion tonnes, which is one of the world’s largest o



OEST delivering drying plants and screening machines to Australia Agribusiness

Greenvale Silicon, an Australian Agricultural Business has an Amorphous Silica (Diatomite) mineral deposit of approx. 1.8 Billion tonnes, which is one of the world’s largest of its kind. Greenvale Silicon approached JOEST for a solution to efficiently dry the granulated material, recover the evaporated process water and screen the granules after the drying process.
Diatomite is a mineral deposit that consist of the remains of fossilized shells of algae called fustrils. One kilogram of diatomite contains millions of the little fragments of these fustrils. The material has a high number of pores with a medium pore diameter of 0.2 – 10 µm. Water is able to infiltrate the pores and is “locked up” against the gravity due to the soil moisture tension.

The task was to take 40 t/h wet mass flow intake from a mixing unit and dry to 10 – 12 % or < 5 % moisture wet base after the dryer. The product was then to be screened at various size fractions as per the client needs. JOEST evaluated the drying properties through a series of tests, checked the process design and prepared a plant design according to the requirements of the client. The drying plant consist two fluidized bed dryers with a width of 2.500 mm each, a length of 8.800 mm each and a complete 44 m² blower stream bottom. The machines have a thermal power of 13.000 kW and the required process air is 150.000 m³. 2.500 m² filter surface for exhaust air filter and an exhaust air heat exchanger will be installed. The additional double deck screen is 2.400 mm wide and 5.000 mm long and will separate the lumps and fines as per client needs. In late summer 2017 the plant was delivered to Australia. With this solution, perfectly worked out for the customers need, JOEST could once again convince through first class quality, efficient work and full reliability.

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