Welcome to the trade fair duo

09 – 10 OCTOBER 2024

CARBOTECHNIK Energiesysteme GmbH
CARBOTECHNIK Energiesysteme GmbH

CARBOTECHNIK Energiesysteme GmbH

About us

CARBOTECHNIK, as a developer and manufacturer of high-tech products for industrial plant construction, knows exactly how important highly accurate dosing and pulsation-free conveying is for the trouble-free operation and maximum efficiency of the production processes.

Carbotechnik specializes in handling powdery bulk materials and offers turnkey solutions – from consulting and project development, through engineering, production, measurement and control technology to assembly and commissioning. Carbotechnik’s extensive service also includes complete aftercare, remote maintenance and system support.

True to their motto: engineering for the future, Carbotechnik has been developing innovative, patented techniques on its own test facility for years, doing intensive research and performing analyzes.


Carbotechnik profile and ideology

Carbotechnik profile and ideology

CARBOTECHNIK has dedicated itself to the dosing and combustion of pulverised materials made from raw materials such as lignite, biomass, pet coke, sludge, etc. Based on the fuel value, these processed materials are extremely economical in comparison to co

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