Trade fair app

Experience SOLIDS & RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund in a completely new way with our official trade fair app! Use the many functions to optimise your trade fair visit.

Download the app now and prepare your trade fair visit

Use our official trade fair app for SOLIDS & RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund 2024!

Activate your profile in the app, create your personalised watch list and arrange meetings with exhibitors and visitors today.

How to activate your account:

  1. Download the trade fair app from your Android or iOS Play Store.
  2. You will receive an email (sender with your personal log-in details. Please also check your SPAM folder!
  3. Use this access data (e-mail address + badge/registration ID) to log in to the app. Once you have created a password, you can set up your profile, check our recommendations and start creating meetings!

Alternatively, you can also use the app without registering in ‘anonymous’ mode, without the personalised watch list or the option of linking with others.

App features:

Hall plan and list of exhibitors

Use the hall plan and the exhibitors list to plan your visit and find the stands of the exhibitors that are important to you.

Network and communication functions

Receive networking recommendations tailored to your interests and professional needs and get in touch with visitors and exhibitors before your visit to the fair and arrange meetings on site.

Programme and lectures

Get a complete overview of the lecture programme and create your personal schedule by adding lectures and meetings to your calendar.

Notifications and updates

Always stay up to date with real-time updates and notifications about important events and changes.